Pilot Funding
The funding programs offered by the CTSI Pilot Funding Core provide researchers at the University of Pittsburgh the necessary financial support to begin to translate innovative ideas into impactful research. Our funding programs offer investigators the opportunity to collect preliminary data that can then inform the design of future studies. By designing funding programs around specific areas of research, the Pilot Funding Core encourages investigators to expand their work into new and vital fields.
For an up-to-date look at all open competitions, please visit the Funding Opportunities page.
If you received services through the Clinical and Translational Science Institute (CTSI) that contributed to the scientific knowledge disseminated in publications, please acknowledge CTSI with the following citation:
The project described was supported by the National Institutes of Health through Grant Number UL1TR001857.

Director, Pilot Funding Core
Phone: 412-647-6999
E-mail: callawaycw@upmc.edu

Administrator, Pilot Funding Core
E-mail: abz17@pitt.edu

For general questions, contact us at
E-mail: ctsipilots@pitt.edu