Biostatistics, Epidemiology, & Research Design
The CTSI Biostatistics, Epidemiology, and Research Design (BERD) Core provides statistical and study design consultations as well as research-focused training through workshops and individual meetings. The BERD Core is housed in the Graduate School of Public Health.
BERD services are available to researchers at the University of Pittsburgh, including faculty, fellows and medical students, and the Core prioritizes requests from junior investigators. The BERD Core supports the design and analysis of clinical and translational research projects. Quality improvement studies and research focused on medical education are not supported by BERD.
Consultation of up to ten hours of support per project is provided at no cost to the researcher. If a project exceeds ten hours, plans for additional time and resources can be discussed based on availability. Additional support is available through office hours held virtually or in-person at Suite 401 Scaife Hall, 3550 Terrace Street, Pittsburgh, PA 15261 on Fridays noon to 1 p.m.
BERD provides consultations regarding study design, statistical analyses, power and sample size calculations, and data collection for grant applications. Requests for grant application consultations must be made at least two months prior to the submission deadline to the University of Pittsburgh's Office of Research. To enhance the efficiency and productivity of services, it is suggested that researchers come to the initial meeting with their specific aims including relevant hypotheses and outcomes.
BERD supports the statistical analysis for clinical and translational research projects. Requests for consultations involving data analyses for abstracts or presentations must be made at least two months prior to the submission deadline. To enhance the efficiency and productivity of services, it is suggested that researchers come to the initial meeting with a clear statement of their hypotheses and primary outcome. For data analysis requests, please have the de-identified data and the data dictionary available.
BERD offers consultation for collecting and managing data using the REDCap system. BERD also offers a series of workshops to provide essential elements involved in data collection, data management and creating reports for research studies. These workshops are presented on an annual basis and recorded versions are available for reference.

For more information or to schedule a consultation, submit a request or contact a research facilitator.

Core Director, Biostatistics & Epidemiology Research Design
Phone: 412-624-1618